Our uber-efficient, high-performance data centers reduce OPEX, improve functionality & heighten security.
Shaping the Future of Data Centers
Plug & Play IT Ecosystems
Flexible options with stellar connectivity
HPC | Super Compute
High power densities to 75kW per rack
Hybrid Cloud | Cloud On-Ramp
Multi-cloud solutions to drive down IT costs | Direct, high-capacity Big Cloud connections
Primary IT Platforms |
Facility Financing
IT Transformation-as-a Service | Platform migrations | Data Center creation & lease options
Disaster Recovery
DR-as-a Service & workroom space
IoT | AI | Robotics
Low-latency networks & custom HPC configurations
Autonomous Anything
High-performance Ingestion Stations
to handle Big Data
to handle Big Data
Smart Cities
Bespoke, standalone modular data centers
Big Storage | Cybersecurity
Fully-managed, scalable, high-capacity platforms | Monitor, detect & resolve threats

End-to-End Infrastructure, network, platforms & services

Scalable high-performance computing platforms to 75kW per rack

End-to End IT Platforms
Multi-Cloud, Storage aaS, low latency networks & 24/7 Network and Security Operations Center

Full Stack Managed Services
Ransomware-driven Disaster Recovery aaS, Cloud Connect, Managed Data Security, IT Transformation aaS & Modular Data Center options